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14 votes

Is it unprofessional to approach a business, unsolicited, based upon technical problems you see on their website?

Imagine you're walking down the street... some stranger walks up to you.... "Hi. I'm Johnny. I am a professional stylist. I would like to point out that your haircut is not the correct cut for ...
Scott's user avatar
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11 votes

Is it unprofessional to approach a business, unsolicited, based upon technical problems you see on their website?

I think there are some factors to consider. The general "aggressiveness" of your marketing strategy: As Scott pointed out in his answer, you might offend or insult people with your offer. This is ...
code_onkel's user avatar
6 votes

Is it unprofessional to approach a business, unsolicited, based upon technical problems you see on their website?

I would say to go ahead, offering fixes for problems, even if they don't realize they have problems. I wrote about this as well with another answer, about SPIN selling. You created the Situation - ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the best cold call pitch for a freelancing software engineer?

I try to keep things quick, to the point, and professional - saves everyone time. I've never written down a script since each project/company can vary a lot, but something along the lines of: "Hi, ...
brichins's user avatar
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3 votes

From a company/manager's perspective, what are the advantages of hiring a consultant over a FTE?

To answer the question, you have to consider beyond the headline cost... With an employee, as well as the salary, you have to factor in (depending on the jurisdiction): Additional payroll taxes Other ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it ethical/effective to apply to full-time positions when looking for a freelance work?

Ethical? Yes. Effective? Probably not. When a company has made the decision to hire a full time employee and told a manager to find one, that manager rarely will accept a contractor. The person who ...
David R's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it unprofessional to approach a business, unsolicited, based upon technical problems you see on their website?

Be honest and completely communicative. This is in no way unprofessional. One keynote here is that you're not some random cold caller. You are a user of their website and their service. Or at least ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I write a book from someone's else talk?

These videos are free of use and don't have any copyright Everything is copyrighted. Just because there's no explicit statement doesn't mean you can use it. Always assume you cannot use someone else'...
Cai's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I write a book from someone's else talk?

Yes. The work is copyrighted. Transposing the media (and/or language) which it is delivered on does not remove copyrights. At best your book would be a derivative work, still requiring permission.
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

Company stability

I will answer with a question: are you willing to grow your company by yourself? If that's a yes then read on. If that's a no, then I'm afraid that you already know the solution, the partial buy-out ...
anon's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it unprofessional to approach a business, unsolicited, based upon technical problems you see on their website?

Be prepared for various personalities of site owners. Some would appreciate your offer where solid fix/change for reasonable price can introduce you to further business with them. Others (sometimes ...
miroxlav's user avatar
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1 vote

How to sell my software online and deal with VAT?

Q1: yes, but financially this would be silly if you intend to make your living off of it, also regarding liability having a company is the better choice. Q2: No, unless you get a VAT number / become ...
user3244085's user avatar
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