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2 votes

Interview questions for Late-Paying clients

This is a pretty neat idea, because a lot of freelancers (myself included) struggle with late payments. What's probably really important is to get a picture of these types of companies - are there ...
LMK Web's user avatar
  • 533
2 votes

I live in the US as a non citizen and want to work for a German company remotely. Do I need a business license

Fellow US-German here with freelance clients in Germany. First, your immigration status is important. If you're not allowed to work in the US, it's my (non-lawyer) understanding that you can't engage ...
Dr. O's user avatar
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1 vote

Interview questions for Late-Paying clients

I Can Understand asking these type of question to your clients is very tough but surely you can put some smart question . =>Asking for client satisfaction is very import over your work . Most of the ...
Narendra Singh's user avatar

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