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Questions tagged [branding]

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Brand naming strategies?

I am a freelance web-developer, but later I want to build a startup on it. So I found a good name what is formed by an adjective and a noun. The noun is 'solutions'. I didn't hesitated and bought the ...
LeapingWolf's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Strategy for multiple email addresses?

Apologies if this is off topic, this is really a question about branding. I work full time in IT, but more recently some of my side projects have been gaining more traction. I have: A 'Humans of'...
dwjohnston's user avatar
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1 answer

Personal Branding or Service Oriented Freelance Business? [duplicate]

I'm facing the problem of how do I represent myself? As an individual freelance who does something or as a service for people who are looking for it. I know that both are related but if your business ...
Kevin Mamaqi's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Can I use logos of companies I have worked for, directly & indirectly, on my website?

I am redesigning my website to show my skills and experience, and I thought it would be a nice idea to have the logos of companies I have worked for and with (directly and indirectly). I'm wondering ...
VictorySaber's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Looking for clients while rebranding my company?

I'm an incorporated freelancer with a company name that is very hard for Westerners to pronounce, and most of my prospects are in the West. I know this based on hearing a lot of recruiters and others ...
David's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Marketing yourself with limited time

I have done freelance work for several years now, taking the occasional gig while still working a full-time "day job". I don't get many gigs, and I think it's due to not actively marketing myself ...
MidnightLightning's user avatar