I have been in situations like this on several occasions and I would like to hear how the community behaves in such situations. Also if you have handled this situation via the contract, I would appreciate you show me its excerpt that handles this legally.
The situation is like this: There is Client A and Client B, each with his own project. Client A came first and you estimate project will last 1 month (work + buffer) max. You tell client B you will take his project in 1 month (obviously everyone is in rush and you have to take project in work asap).
However, Client A is slow on replying to your messages or other member of his company slowly resolves issues that are preventing you to work on the project and A's project took 2 months, instead of 1.
As a consequence, you cannot start B's project full time as you have to finish A's project.
How do you handle situations like this? When it's 100% not your fault, but client is slow on taking actions.
Do you start B's project after 1 month? If yes, what do you say to A?
Do you delay B's project and give him some discount, but also issue penalties invoice to client A? It's his fault that you are losing money in B's project.
How do you resolve situation like this without impacting B's project (who should not suffer for A's actions), but also finalize A's project in a way that he realizes his actions caused delays and without A breaking business relations with you?