I was hired for a small web development job by a client. The job was small and of less budget. After I finished the job and notified the client, he didn't replied for several days. This made me think he is planning to not pay for the job. After several days and multiple E-Mails client finally told me that he is not going to pay me giving some some vague reasons. Since the job is of small amount I can't opt for legal options which it will be more costly and troublesome.
But accidentally client forgot to change the cPanel login details and I can still login to the server. I have a few options I am considering:
Delete all the client data (that was created as part of the project) and move on.
Download the client data, delete it from server and ask client to pay (extra) to get his data back.
What do you people think? Is is unethical to do so? I tried to be professional but it was client who started unethical behaviour. He has left with no options. How should I this situation