I have quite the list of jobs (much more than what is listed here) that seem viable and enjoyable that I have some form of experience in, at least hobby wise. When trying to find work around any of these hobbies they spur into different job titles, so now I have countless job titles I could chase around similar fields.

How can I either offer a LOT of services surrounding said fields, or get to dabble in each so that I can refine my path?

Main (currently) preferred work:

Confident / experienced:

  • Product Concepts
  • Photography
  • Architectural design

Things I am capable of, but results will vary:

  • Design consultation
  • Interaction design
  • Technical project management
  • Simple 3D model clean up and optimization
  • Photo editing (Color management and basic adjustments)
  • General 3D modeling
  • Aid in 3D printing
  • Interior design and planning
  • Industrial design
  • Product design
  • UI / UX
  • Organizational services
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Business systems
  • Instructional designer
  • Pick one, go out and try to find customers who want that. If you can't find customers there, pick another.
    – David R
    Commented Jul 5 at 14:47
  • Look first at David R's Comment. If that doesn't suit, why not look again at your wording? Do you believe either English generally or advertising and marketing particularly have any time for 'a LOT of services surrounding said fields, or get to dabble in each so that I can refine my path…'? I suggest they don't. If I'm right, what are your choices? Change the language, or change your approach? Commented Nov 12 at 21:16

1 Answer 1


I was in a similar situation. I can do quite much in the field of software development and managing, installing and maintaining Linux Servers. Technically, I could do web development, hosting, software development, etc.

However, I decided to focus only on a few topics. What do I mean by that? If you have no other people helping you, you will have to do anything by yourself. This includes finances, getting clients, delivering their products and so on.

Try to select some skills you can bundle. You mentioned Logo Design, Graphic Design, UI/UX and photography. Those skills can be merged to a professional website where you take photos, design their UI/UX and their Logo. It is very much, however, you will deliver with your company a specific service for a certain use-case.

Later, you can scale your business to other services.

If this is too stressful, think about outsourcing. There are freelancer who can create professional UI/UX solutions or design logos. If your client has a certain budget, then why not using all of it?

My advice:

  • less is more. Focus on your values, strengths etc.
  • position yourself in your market
  • if you cannot do everything --> outsource it

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