I've recently got back into doing freelancing jobs because I needed to get activity on a payment method in order to get private loads reactivated.
I am using freelancer.com and even when I made about 1k in the last 30 days, I find it a little hard (or time consuming) to fing good jobs to bid on. I usually go to work > project with my skills
and search keyword from project I most enjoy working on, for example, PHP, JQuery, Chrome Extension, Wordpress Plugin, Web Scraping, etc.
My problem is that it's quite hard to find a good project I am intereted in (have in mind I always try to provide a demo even before the project is awarded to me). But most of the project I find are things like:
Create a PHP script (with no extra details).
Please visit this site and click top ad to see why it's not working as it should (indians trying to get people to click on a spammy website ads).
Send XXX to skrill and I send you YYY here (scam).
Same project posted twice once with bids from 10-30USD, another with bids 30-250USD.
I need a copy of google.com for 30USD.
I need to do this impossible task and only pay 10USD for it.
Build a website. I need to build a website.
Work from home.
Need this (1584 bids)
How do you find good projects to bid on on freelancing site without spending so much time?