I am an aerospace engineer, but I'm quite adept at programming I believe. I am very strong with C, C++ and Python. However, I use it for computational simulations and embedded systems in the aerospace field. It has nothing to do with developing apps or websites, etc. Everywhere I have looked I've found these freelance jobs tend to be for this type of work generally.
Would it be better I just tutored in C++ or Python instead of trying to become a freelance programmer? I am just looking for some extra money during my graduate school months when I am off from work.
Additionally, would it be that hard to pick up some HTML, Javascript, or database knowledge to be able to create websites or apps once one is already adept at the (harder) low level languages like C/C++? I'd imagine it would be a steep learning curve (using the expression correctly). How many days of full dedication do you think it would take to be able to create a pretty decent app or website?