I've incorporated as a solo freelance consultant. I have 1 client at 20 hours/week. My marketing plan is through content-marketing via a technical blog.
I'd like to ask an old coworker to join as a freelance consultant so we can work together. I'm certain the 1 client I'm working with would hire him (as they are trying to hire 1 or 2 more people in a niche field), so I'd like to ask if he wants to join me.
I'm leaning towards suggesting my coworker incorporate as his own business. We can both contribute to the technical blog together if he would like.
1) I'm leaning toward suggesting he incorporate as his own freelance consultant company instead of us splitting the one I started. Does that make sense?
2) If we both contribute to a content-marketing blog, how would we split the client work? I guess we would need to figure that out ourselves?
3) If he doesn't contribute to the marketing blog, and I bring in all the work, how much or should I take a % of pay for projects he works on?