I think you have the answer in the comments, but a church or charity or local organisation will not want a rusty amateur fiddling about with their sites on a 'not sure what I can still do but I will try' basis.
The best advice given so far is to buy a domain and cheap hosting, and build a site for yourself. It could be a CV site, or a profile site, or just a site to practice on.
When you are a bit more confident in your abilities, and now have something to point to, find a local organisation or family/friend/contact that does not currently have a site, and offer to build one for them for free. That way they have nothing to lose. But you have to commit to doing it. You cannot be half arsed about it.
Now you have your practice site, and a genuine site to point to, you can start pitching for small, easy jobs. Once you have one under your built, you can add them as a portfolio to your profile site, and then you are up and going.
Good luck. Technology has moved on and continues to move at an exciting rate. But you will come up to speed quickly with some enthusiasm and commitment.