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Questions tagged [translations]

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3 votes
2 answers

Is it really possible to start as a freelance translator?

Is it really possible to become a freelance translator? At the moment I have no experience and I want eventually to build that up progressively (anyway we have to start from somewhere, don't we?). ...
us er's user avatar
  • 131
5 votes
1 answer

Is there any freelancing site that allows workers from Iran?

Are there any (international/non-iranian) websites that allows Iranians to freelance? I tried a few but they don't let me register due to US sanctions.
Microsoft Linux TM's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

What are legal options of accessing books needed for freelance translating?

As a freelance translator, I'm constantly running into a need to check multiple facts and quotes scattered across multiple books. These books, if available online, are often quite expensive, to the ...
svavil's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Should I charge the same amount for reviewing/testing as someone else did for editing

Context I just started in the freelancing industry and decided to go with something rather easy: translation reviews and testing. *EDIT* Q/A and Proofreading My client, an indie video game developer,...
Alex's user avatar
  • 33
9 votes
3 answers

In terms of industry standard, what qualifications are required for internet-based freelance translating?

I am an undergraduate student in University, studying French and German. I am interested in getting into freelance translation of texts on the internet, translating from French or German into English....
Patrick Sebastien's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Remote translation services in not widely known language - how to reach target? [closed]

If I have a good knowledge of not widely known language, and I want to provide remote translation services, how should I reach the target company? Let's say I can translate documents between English ...
Cjxcz Odjcayrwl's user avatar