The most important thing is to find contacts, get to know them, and make sure they know you are around. Getting involved in the chamber of commerce and other organizations are good ways to help ensure that everyone knows you are around. Don't expect anything immediately. Just focus on building your professional network. Consider approaching these individuals for marketing research and otherwise keeping both of you thinking about how you can help eachother.
The simple fact is that when you are self-employed, everything you do is marketing. For example, this post is in part marketing myself and my abilities to the self-employed community. That may seem somewhat afield from what you are looking at, but it shouldn't be. Here I am being helpful and increasing my visibility among a possible set of contacts who might even bring me business one day. You can do the same in social circles if you are selective about them.
The second thing you can do is make a list of your current friends and such and approach them about your new venture, and see if any of them have ideas. They may not be interested in hiring you but they may have feedback, or may even know someone who does need it. The more people know what you are doing, the more work will come your way.