I'm about at my wit's end with a particular client. The project I've been working on for them for almost the past year is in a constant state of flux. The first sticking point is totally on me and my naivete, I never got a concrete set of requirements from them before starting work. It's an upgrade job and their requirements were basically "like the old system, but better." Lesson learned there.
The bulk of my frustrations is a never ending cycle of lax QA testing, minimal feedback, and feature creep. I ask questions and responses take weeks, if they're addressed at all. I put new features or parts of the system in the testing environment, tell them to test it out, whole months will go by before I hear anything. When I do hear back, without fail, their testing reports contain a laundry list of new requirements, either things they forgot to tell me about initially or new features they insist are necessary to the system. Then they ask why it's taking so long...sigh.
I've been paid half the quoted amount already per the pricing schedule set up in the SOW and I'm seriously considering dropping them as a client and just taking the hit. I've already spent 3 times as long as I thought I would simply because I've had to gather the requirements as I went along. My only concern is what kind of legal issues I might be opening myself up to by doing this.
I think I'm in the clear since, aside from an initial statement of work, there was never anything approaching a contract involved. I certainly never signed anything. It was basically an email exchange along the lines of: Me: "Here's what's involved and what the payment structure will be. See attached SOW.docx" Them: "Sounds good. Go for it".
Am I worrying over nothing?