I've been researching a lot about freelancing, an to my surprise, I'm a little interested in becoming an independent freelancer! In accordance I am inquiring on how to become a successful freelancer that actually makes a profit, an is actually worthwhile?

  • .. have a skill... freelancing is a business formation, not an entity in itself. You have to be able to do something in order to sell freelancing skills.
    – Scott
    Commented Apr 30 at 7:26

3 Answers 3


This very much depends on your personal circumstances and the business domain in which you want to offer your services.

  • Do you have sufficient experience for someone to hire you?
  • Can you find and keep clients?
  • Are clients in that business segment used to outsourcing work?
  • Do you have a sufficient financial buffer?
  • Local laws, regulations and taxation may also need to be considered

Freelancing as? I was in a similar circumstance. It depends on what industry you are offering services in, but you might find it helpful to consider yourself as a "consultant." (Such as) If you are freelancing as a writer/copywriter- create a website or freelance website profile page as an actual business/agency instead of titling yourself "Freelancer."
I am in a mix of Healthcare and Legal and I.t. world- so, it was better to market myself as a Legal/Medical Consultant and then list the services I offer as such... Just an idea. Look into making a CV or PowerPoint Pres (link) that's publicly available, helps boost legitimate points when businesses are evaluating your professional presence.

  1. Have a skill or ability others would want to utilize
  2. Advertise/market your ability/skill to get others hopefully contacting you
  3. Seek out customers and "sell" them on your skill/ability
  4. Fulfill projects successfully leaving happy customers who hopefully pass on your name to others seeking the same skils/abilities
  5. Repeat

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