Is it okay to seek freelance work outside of full-time employment?
I am mainly looking for something more challenging and satisfying in regards to work so I can use my head a bit more. I don't want to leave my current full-time position since I've only been there a year and aside from losing matching 401k contributions, equity, etc. I feel it'd be distraction on my resume.
EDIT #1: The contact says that I may not work for a competitor, supplier, or vendor of the company. There is an additional statement which says that it must not interfere with my performance, that is a given to me. If I take on additional work outside my normal work and my performance suffers as a result, that is a no brainer that I shouldn't be taking on additional work.
So, if I interpret that in black and white, if I work for a financial company, then I cannot work for a competing financial company, but if I work for a farm, that is perfectly fine unless the farm is a vendor the company.